
Together for a European Silk Road

Verein zur Förderung der Europäischen Seidenstraße
Goldeggasse 6/3
1040 Wien
ZVR 1118607536

Members of the association:

Jan Moritz Onken, Vorstandsvorsitzender
Manfred Kojan, Vorstand
Florian Draxler, Kassier
Eleonora Draxler, Schriftführerin
Jakob Krisper, Rechnungsprüfer

Purpose of the association

The association, whose activities are not for profit, pursues the following purposes:

  • The establishment and intensification of the relationship between European companies and the development and expansion of cultural and and communicative co-operation of people along the transport routes to be improved within the European Union and its neighbourhood - the European Silk Road;
  • The establishment and operation of databases for the information purposes of representatives of, for example, the economy, logistics and the arts. and the art world, as well as providing assistance in order to bring them closer together and to name specific contacts for solving problems. contact persons for the solution of tasks and, on the other hand, to generally improve the relationship and the relationship between the European countries with each other, as well as with third parties (e.g. Asian countries), to build up, improve, promote and deepen;
  • The initiation, promotion, support of and cooperation in projects, activities and measures to revitalise the economic, logistical and cultural relations between the European Union and its neighbourhood, logistical and cultural relations between the European Union and its neighbourhood, inter alia with the help of various art forms for social and climatic improvement along a European Silk Road and its transport routes to be improved.
  • The examination, planning and recommendation of measures for a value-orientated economic and infra-structure within the European Union and its neighbourhood.
  • The promotion of all endeavours to create a European Silk Road with the aim of better connecting all people in Europe and beyond.

The activities of the organisation are not profit-oriented.
The organisation is active nationwide and pursues its goals throughout Europe.
The association is a legally and economically independent organisation that is subject to the Austrian Association Act.

Association authority

Bundespolizeidirektion Wien
Büro für Vereins-, Versammlungs- und Medienrechtsangelegenheiten
Schottenring 7-9
1010 Wien