Data protection

Introduction/General information

Your privacy and the protection of your personal data is our top priority. We treat your stored data as strictly confidential confidentially and process it without exception on the basis of the applicable legal provisions (GDPR). In this privacy policy you will learn everything about the type, scope and purpose of data storage and processing in the context of our website, our campaigns and our newsletter. campaigns and our newsletter.

Legal basis for data processing

We store and process your data exclusively on the basis of the legal provisions of the GDPR, in particular on the basis of explicit consent (GDPR Art 6 (1) (a)), due to a necessity for contract fulfilment (GDPR Art 6 (1) (b)) and/or on the basis of legitimate interests (GDPR Art 6 (1) (f)).

Person responsible for data processing

The controller for data processing is The European Silk Road Association, Goldeggasse 6/3, 1040 Vienna. Furthermore The following programmes and service providers are used for data processing and storage in order to keep you informed about newsletters, process your donation orders or communicate with you via social networks. Processors are, if applicable, the following commissioned printing companies for postal mailings and Campaigning Software GmbH. Of course, we ensure at all points careful and lawful processing of your personal data.

Publication of data and disclosure to third parties

In principle, data that is made available to us is not published or made available to other users. made available to other users. However, the purpose of some support campaigns or functionalities of the website is to publish certain data and make it available to other users. and make it available to other users (people committees, photo walls). In such cases, however However, in such cases, you will be informed of this when you enter your details in the relevant list, before you click on the relevant button publication of certain data and requires the explicit consent of the user. of the user. This does not include disclosure to state authorities if the provider is legally obliged to do so. Third parties within the meaning of of this privacy policy are not the service providers or processors of the operator who host the websites or process them on process the websites for a specific purpose. Our service providers are contractually obliged to process data only in accordance with the order and to comply with all data protection regulations.

Personal data

Purposes of the data processing

Personal data is processed by us either on the basis of automated functions (see below on "Server logs" and "Cookies") or due to certain actions that are actively carried out by users. Personal data may be processed by the association "Association for the Promotion of a European Silk Road" if you:

  • sign up for our newsletter
  • participate in our campaigns, actions or surveys
  • Submit, rate, download, share or comment on content
  • use interactive functions of our website and/or e-mails
  • Donate via the payment service provider offered
  • provide us with further, optional information

Depending on the exact function of the website in question and only with the explicit consent of the users concerned, the following data may be stored for processing the following data may be stored for processing: First name, surname, date of birth, gender, email, address, telephone number, user name, password, date of registration, which campaigns have been shown interest in or participated in, websites from which the user's websites from which the user's system accesses our site, and any other data explicitly specified in the respective forms. This data is processed automatically and assigned to the respective profiles. However, no automated decisions pursuant to Art. 22 GDPR that have legal effect or significantly affect someone are made, and accordingly no data protection impact assessment is necessary. If personal data is collected in the course of the actions and functions described described, we generally process them to enable these functions and for the purposes implied by the respective function in order to realise the realise the objectives of the respective campaign. The processing for the provision of this service and thus the smooth running of the website smooth operation of the website, including the necessary processing of data, is in our legitimate interest.

Server logs

When you visit our website, data from your end device is stored in log files to ensure the technical functionality of our site. stored in so-called log files. This includes Information about the browser type and the version used, the operating system of the device, the associated IP address, date, time and duration of access, websites from which the system accessed our website, address of the website, the address of the page or file accessed, the amount of data transferred and the websites accessed by the user's system via our website. accessed by the user's system via our website. A personal evaluation of this data for marketing purposes does not take place in this context. does not take place in this context. We only process the log files collected to ensure the technical functionality of the website functionality of the website, to ensure the security of our information technology systems and in the event of unlawful use of our website. of our website. The legal basis for the processing of this data is Article 6(1)(f) GDPR. Our legitimate interest is the Ensuring the functionality of the website and the security of our information technology systems.

Contact us

If you contact us by e-mail or letter, the data you provide will be stored by us for the purpose of processing your enquiry and for the case of follow-up questions. We will not pass on this data without your consent. Without the data provided unfortunately not possible for us to answer your enquiry.

Duration of storage

Your data will be deleted as soon as it is no longer required to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected, or you explicitly exercise your right to deletion. right to erasure. The stored log files are deleted after 14 days at the latest. In individual cases, log files or extracts excerpts from them may be stored for longer if this is necessary to maintain security and defence against cyber attacks or to enforcement of legal claims.


You can subscribe to free newsletters on our website. In the relevant form, the contact data entered by the users are transmitted to us after explicit consent has been given. The legal basis for this is the consent pursuant to Art 6 para 1 lit a GDPR. Consent can be withdrawn at any time, whereby the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent until revocation is not affected.

Newsletter tracking

No data is passed on to third parties in connection with the sending of our newsletter. It is very important to us to reach many people with appealing information. The corresponding legal basis is consent in accordance with GDPR Art 6 para 1 lit a DSGVO. A so-called tracking pixel, a micro-graphic integrated into the emails, makes it possible to track how many users have opened the ordered newsletter and how many of them have clicked on links contained therein.


In the case of a donation via the donation tool provided, your data may be stored and processed for payment processing, for a thank you e-mail and, if applicable, for and for the report to the Court of Auditors. All donations that exceed 3,500 euros must be reported to the Court of Audit The Court of Audit must be notified immediately, stating the name and amount, which in turn must be published immediately. This data is used for This data is processed to confirm donations, for queries or for other accounting reasons.

External links

For your best possible information, you will find links on our site that refer to third-party sites. As far as these are not obviously recognisable, we would like to point out that this is an external link. We have no influence whatsoever on the content and the design of other providers' websites or their data protection regulations.

Social media plugins

So that you can share the content of our site directly and without detours on the social networks of your choice, we use so-called plugins. These plugins from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram allow you to like or share our posts directly via your channels. More about this in the privacy policy of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. For the integration of our videos we use the platform YouTube. The videos uploaded there are integrated on our site, which means that information about which videos are viewed is sent to YouTube, are sent to YouTube. If you do not want this, you can refuse Flash content and/or cookies directly in your browser. Further information on this can be found in YouTube's privacy policy.

Your rights

As a user and as a data subject, you have many rights to your data, which we will of course endeavour to protect carefully. endeavour to protect. For example, you have the right to information about your processed personal data (Art. 15 GDPR), to rectification of your data (Art. 16 GDPR) in the event of incorrect information, to erasure of your data (Art. 17 GDPR), to restriction of the processing of your data (Art. 18 GDPR), to data portability (Art 20 GDPR), to object (Art 21), and to withdraw consent (Art 6 GDPR). Schicken Sie uns dazu bitte eine mail to: If possible, we ask you to mention in this context whether you only wish to be removed from the specific mailing list or have your data deleted completely. We will then respond to your request immediately. If your request does not conflict with a statutory obligation to retain data (e.g. data retention), you have the right to have your data deleted. Daten. Von uns gespeicherte Daten werden, sollten Sie für Ihre Zweckbestimmung nicht mehr vonnöten sein und es keine gesetzlichen Aufbewahrungsfristen geben, gelöscht. Falls eine Löschung nicht durchgeführt werden kann, da die Daten für zulässige gesetzliche Zwecke erforderlich sind, erfolgt eine Einschränkung der Datenverarbeitung. In diesem Fall werden die Daten gesperrt und nicht für andere Zwecke verarbeitet. Wenn Sie den Eindruck gewonnen haben, dass Ihre Daten auf unrechtmäßige Art und Weise verarbeitet werden, können Sie dies bei the Austrian Data Protection Authority (

Changes to this privacy policy

Due to the constant further development of our website, changes to the legal basis and/or official requirements, it may be necessary be necessary to amend this privacy policy. This privacy policy is valid as of 22 May 2024.

Further questions

If you have any further questions about data protection in the context of the "European Silk Road Association" association, please contact us at us at